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This section is a bit of a surprise to me. Someone asked me, "who are you?" At that moment, I couldn't answer. I stood there frozen. As a communicator, how was I unable to answer? So she asked me to take some time and write down a list. The next day she asked, how do I feel.  Well, both came out in the form of poems. I don't pretend to be a poet laureate. But I was a little proud of what materialized on the page. You can read them both below.

Striped Down: Text

"Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway."
--Mother Theresa

Striped Down: Quote

Who is she?

Don’t let the sway in her hips or the giggle from her lips fool you,
She commands attention with her presence and her posture.
Her footsteps echo through air announcing her arrival.
With one raised eyebrow and pursed mouth, her expressions are telepathic.
Her spirit precedes her and lingers when she leaves.
She’s strong, yet sensitive.
She’s empathetic and intuitive, feeling the energy of others, seeing through gray smoke, and holding a mirror to those who can’t see.
She fights for loved ones and pity those who stand in her way.
She yearns for knowledge and all things creative.
Books with journeys of fantasy, songs that pierce the heart and artwork that stretches the mind.
Blues, reds, yellows, greens, purple and black satisfy her mind’s palette.
She loves nature. Blades of grass, woodsy scents, waters that dance across the earth and birds that offer their song.
She is all things.
She is me.

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Let Me Loose

Let! Me! Loose!
Let me loose of judgment
Let me loose of perfection
Let me loose of doubt
Unchain my ankles, so I can dance.
Let go of my arms, so I can hug myself.
Uncage me, my spirit is dying within these rusted bars.
Disentangle my body, I can feel the knots in my soul.
Freedom, sweet freedom.
I can taste it, but the binding is so tight around my chest.
I can’t breathe.
I can’t scream.
No one hears me.
No one sees me.
I long to run free.
I want to speak free.
I want to be free.

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©2021 by Cozetta Jones. Proudly created with

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