This piece is actually the sixth piece that I’ve painted. But she took the longest. Painting portraits or full body images was never a goal. This canvas started as a black and gold abstract, then an all gold abstract.
As I was painting, I saw a face and a little fro. Not nearly as large as the one shown. I took a deep breath and let the paintbrush go.
After many tears and frustration, I finished the painting. Of course, I had to apply a gloss. Right?! Yeah, it’s going to be easy! HA!
More tears, frustration and hands covered in varnish. The first layer looked horrible. I walked away and went straight to YouTube. I learned that the second layer would activate the first layer. I let the painting dry overnight. I didn’t sleep well because I reached out to a gallery and was due to deliver her the NEXT DAY! I won’t do that ever again.
The next day I got up early and applied the second layer. She looked fantastic!
That night, I delivered her to the gallery and she sold the same night. God was definitely smiling down on me. I appreciate the gallery for taking a chance on a new artist and the collector who saw something in Zola.
”Zola“ means calm. The painting is acrylic on 24x48 canvas.